
Key partnership helps future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers
Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health's nursing simulation unit plays a key role in shaping future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care workers in North West Queensland.
Mount Isa TAFE students studying Certificate Three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care are using the facilities to learn workplace health and safety infection control.
Under their teacher Dan Noble, of the TAFE Cairns campus, the students have learnt hand hygiene, donning and doffing personal protective equipment and disposal of syringes.
With ten years experience in primary health care, Dan said our centre’s simulation unit was an important part of his students’ studies to give them practice in working in a health environment and becoming familiar with equipment, such as blood pressure monitoring and blood sugar monitoring.
We’re happy to partner with TAFE to provide this simulation facility and look forward to the students returning for simulated health assessment and care planning for their clients.
The simulation unit is an important part of our Bachelor of Nursing Science course offered on the Mount Isa campus.
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