
AYRI 2018

The Conference, Tuesday 23rd – Friday 27th July celebrates Mount Isa’s CRRH’s 20 years as a University Department of Rural Health and realising remote possibilities. The program presents national and international leaders in health workforce – Keynotes include Emeritus Professor Ruth Ballweg University of Washington; Professor Martha McLeod University of Northern British Colombia, Ms Pat Anderson AO, Dr Lynore Geia, A/ Assoc Professor Julie Hulcombe, and Professor Ian Wronski. It brings together regional, national and international leaders in rural and remote health, practitioners, policy makers, students and researchers to focus on the complex issues of our context.

Reflections on the 20th anniversary of the Centre for Rural and Remote Health guest speakers will be provided by Professor Ian Wronski, Dr Jack Best, Hon Michael Wooldridge, Professor Dennis Pashen, Dr Louis Peachy, Mr Ron McCullough, and Associate Professor Catrina Felton Busch

View the program


Medical Panel

Friday’s program features the challenges and solutions in promoting and supporting general practice and primary health care in rural and remote regions. Panellists include Dr Bastian Seidel RACGP president, Professor Ruth Stewart president ACRRM, Professor Richard Murray Dean of Medicine and Dentistry and president of the Australian and New Zealand Council of Deans, Dr Neil Beaton President elect RDAQ, Emeritus Professor Paul Worley Rural Health Commissioner and Professor Richard Hays CRRH, JCU and Editor, MedEdPublish.


20th Anniversary Speakers


Keynote Speakers


Conference Photos

A Commonwealth funded Department of Rural Health
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